This past year seemed to fly by so fast. I mean, I’m still getting used to writing 2012 on my checks, mostly because who writes that many checks anymore? But still, this past year has been so full of things, events, and people that I must take the time to look back and reflect and just say Thank You!
I’m thankful for my wonderful family! As we’ve all gotten older and moved further away, you really take for granted the once often gatherings that now seem more and more infrequent. Just sitting around a table with good food, good wine, and great conversation can be the best time and we should remember to cherish it. I’m amazed at how quickly my nieces and nephews are growing up and so happy that I got to see them this past year. Even my nephew in Ireland who is just starting school I got to see via photos on Facebook and video chat on Skype.
I’m thankful to the doctors and nurses who took great care of me when I was sick! Getting diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes was probably one of the most out-of-left-field things that has ever happened to me. Being told “If you hadn’t come into the ER today, you would have most likely been dead in a couple of days” was, as you can imagine, extremely scary. Having all the attending doctors and nurses simply say to me; “You’re here now, you’ll be fine” and “We’ll get you fixed up” and even “No, you’re not going to put all that weight you lost back on now” was all very reassuring. And having my sister, brother-in-law and three nephews drive all the way down to come visit me while I was in hospital was a great treat.
I’m thankful for my friends and co-workers! To say the economy is tough is an understatement so I’m happy to have a great job and work for a great company. The people I work with are amazing and I’m happy to walk in each day and be a part of it all. Some of the people I work with now I’ve known for over sixteen years and their friendship over the years has been irreplaceable in my life.
I’m thankful to my fellow testers and colleagues in the software community! It’s so great when you get a chance to meet with other people who share your interests and passion of work. To be able to sit and talk with them, learn from them, share with them your experiences is a wonderful thing. Thankfully, Twitter allows us all to stay in touch and keep up the sharing and learning until we can all meet up again. You don’t realize how much 140 characters can do when you hit a wall and need to reach out to others for help!
I’m thankful for my neighbors! These past few weeks recovering after Hurricane Sandy or Superstorm Sandy or “That one-eyed Bitch Sandy” has been extremely difficult. Having others who are going through the same difficulties nearby to talk and share information with definitely helped. It’s amazing when the small things we often take for granted become so welcome and needed when they’re taken away and then returned to you. We shared phone numbers and contact information for FEMA, disaster relief information, trusted plumbers and electricians. We stood on lines together to get Red Cross and City Harvest food donations so we didn’t have to worry about running around to find a hot meal. We literally jumped up and down the day that power was restored to our street and houses. We now have hot water and heat, but some neighbors don’t. “Come in and have a cup of tea,” we said to one of our neighbors who lives alone and lost the entire first floor of her home, “sit down and warm yourself up a bit.” These small gestures can have a huge impact on people. And you never know when you’ll be on the other end and need help yourself.
Finally, I’m thankful for my most wonderful partner, spouse and husband! This past July, after being together for ten years, we were married in a very simple ceremony in New York. This past year had a lot of ups and downs and I honestly don’t know how I could have gotten through it all without him.
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