Sunday, September 16, 2012

Summer’s End

I cannot believe the summer’s over. I also can’t believe that I’ve gone this long without a blog post. My fault; it’s been a crazy, sometimes lazy summer.  I’ve got about 5 or 6 half-written blogs that I need to finish and the publishing will start again, I promise.  I’ve also been hard at work on my presentation for STPCon next month in Miami.  Hopefully some of you will be in attendance!  Check out my presentation description here:

But let me catch you up on my summer and some possible reasons while my blog has been silent these past few months.

           I was conducting interviews for an open position on my team that we managed to fill with a great candidate who started a couple of weeks ago!

           I got married in July!
           Diet and Exercise has allowed to me to shed nearly 50 pounds!

          I got diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in August and spent 4 days in the hospital; a good chunk of that time in the ICU!

          I’ve begun an outline of a book I’m attempting to write on Software Testing!

         Some changes at work have brought more responsibilities onto my plate and I’m being challenged daily with exciting new things.

All of these things have provided me some great material for my Blog so I hope that Fall and Winter 2012 will make up for my quite Summer.  Hope to see you all at STPCon in Miami.

1 comment:

  1. Brian - congratulations on all items! Definitely looking forward to catching up with you at STPCON!
